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A Life Changing Treatment…

At 3 months old Laura’s parents noticed a small red birth mark above her eye, within just a few months the mark had grown dramatically and was diagnosed as Haemangioma, her mum told me about all the nasty looks and insensitive comments she received about her beautiful baby, she dreaded the surgery but the tumour was growing and damaging little Laura’s eyesight. Laura had to undergo extensive surgery to remove the tumour and years of reconstructive surgery she was left almost blind in her left eye with scarring around her eye area.

Haemangioma tumour caused scarring and blindness

Laura is now at university studying business and enjoys surfing, she asked for Permanent Makeup for her birthday with a hope that she’ll no longer need to spend hours trying to draw on symmetrical brows, a task made even more difficult due to her blindness. “I have to ask my friends to check my brows are the same because I can’t see round the side of my head on that eye, I’m hoping this will mean I won’t have to worry anymore”. I have personal experience when it comes to scarring and skin graphs having had extensive surgery myself, after I lost my legs from Meningitis I think this helps put my clients at ease as they know I understand a little of what they’ve been through.

Both Laura and I were thrilled with today’s results, she’s looking forward to a hassle free surfing holiday once she’s finished her exams!

Cosmetic tattooing is a great solution for anyone affected by scarring or visual impairment.

Also known as Permanent makeup, the results are permanent but will need top up, retouch or colour boost treatments to keep the colour and tone looking good. It lasts between 9 months up to 5 years, but the results depend on a number of factors, these include skin type, age, skin condition, medical conditions, medication and the general life style of the client. For instance, a young 22 year old with healthy, slightly oily skin, who exercises regularly, enjoys beauty treatments and regularly applies various beauty products tend to find their treatment will fade quicker than that of a 65 year old, who has dry skin, who spends more time indoors out of the sun, rarely exercises and doesn’t use many beauty products. Younger skin regenerates a lot faster than older skin, which means the skin sheds and new healthy skin forms far quicker.

Why does cosmetic tattooing fade but traditional body tattooing doesn’t?

There are a number of reasons Cosmetic tattooing fades and traditional body tattoos don’t. The main reasons are:

  • Tattoo inks are different to traditional body tattooing ink – tattoo ink is brighter, stronger with much larger particles that sit in the skin. cosmetic tattoo ink particles are much smaller.
  • The depth in the skin the ink is placed – body tattoos are implanted far deeper in the skin

Permanent makeup has recently become popular within the fashion and celebrity world, offering a long lasting solution to creating full, dramatic, perfectly symmetrical eyebrows, saving girls hours in front of the mirror each day, however more and more clients also turn to permanent makeup for more personal reasons, over plucking eyebrows is one of the most common, but many women experience permanent hair loss due to hormone changes such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Hair loss or Alopecia can also be caused due to stress or anxiety. Treatments for illnesses such as cancer often leave people with devastating hair loss and scarring so permanent makeup can often be a life changing treatment to so many people.

Cosmetic tattooing is a longterm solution for scarring and visually impaired


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